There are hundreds of thousands of motoring offences committed every year on Britain's roads...
The punishment for driving and motoring offences vary depending on the severity of the offence. Minor Offences are often dealt with by the police by means of a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN). Minor Offences include low-level speeding and using your mobile phone, although the latter is becoming more serious.
Drink and drug driving are things that are considered Major Offences, and rightly so! A Magistrate Court will deal with Major Offences and can even result in a prison sentence.
Offences will also often result in points on your licence. Any points and most offences must be declared to your insurance company immediately and may result in your renewal premium going up. Furthermore, it is actually and offence not to tell your insurer. In the UK, you are permitted up to 12 points on your licence before you receive a ban. However, if you accumulate 6 or more points within your first two years of having your licence, you will receive a ban and have to resit your test.
2017 saw 10.6 million appoints issued out to UK drivers. A staggering 72% of all those penalty points were issued to male drivers - that's 7.7 million points! Men seem to be infamous for traffic offences; according to recent statistics men commit an astounding 84% of all drink drive offences, "69% of speeding offences where points were given. 78% of recorded motorway speeding offences also involved males, and they are the recipients of 82% of points handed out for using a mobile phone at the wheel too."
Types of Offences