Uncommon Road Signs You Might Not Have Seen
When driving on the road, you will pass many hundreds of road signs regardless of where you are. From speed limits, warnings, junctions and motorways. They are such commonplace they we often take them for granted and don't pay any real attention to them. In and around cities, a lot of the signs are the same and it is unlikely that you will see any that stand out as particularly unusual. But, further afield and bit more rural, you might come across some that are uncommon and completely rare.
Here are the most uncommon and rare signs that we could find. None of the Pendle team have actually ever seen these in real life. Have you?
1. No Vehicles Carrying Explosives
Yes, this is serious. You may be thinking why would a vehicle being carrying explosives, and surely all vehicles are prohibited from carrying explosives?! Right? This sign is usually reserved for areas that are close to military bases or locations, where it may be common for certain types of vehicles that actually do carry explosives.
That being said, this would include you if you were driving somewhere and were carrying fireworks!

2. Slow Moving Military
Keeping on theme with the vehicles carrying explosives, this sign is to indicate that the road is in use by slowing moving military vehicles. Again, it is likely to be found in areas close to military bases or areas used by the military. It depicts a tank, but it is not limited solely to tanks. We found it strange that a tank is used, considering that the British Challenger 2 tank is one of the fastest tanks.

3. Migrating Toads
As we opened with, this is definitely one you won't see in big cities. During certain months of the year, particularly during the spring, toads migrate to breed. This sign is designed to warn drivers that toads are likely to be crossing the road, and to keep their eyes down on the road day or night to protect the toads.
The list of approved sites available for toad crossings are available online at Froglife Trust (www.froglife.org).
Be aware that these signs are not always depicted by the toad in a red warning triangle. Sometimes a yellow zone, similar to that of a road diversion, that may list the dates of the toads migrating. They may also detail the diversion in place.

4. Quiet Lane
These signs come in pairs: one to mark the entrance to the Quiet Lane and one that marks the end of the lane. Again, a lot more common in rural areas and countryside rather than big inner cities.
The sign is used to mark an area that is used for non-motorised traffic. This can include things such as cycling, horse-riding, jogging and walking. Vehicles are not prohibited to use the lane, but the sign acts as an advisory to avoid the lane or to proceed with extreme caution.

What did you think of these signs? Have you seen any of them yourself? One thing is for sure is that if they came up in a driving theory test, they would be very difficult! Next time you are on the road or in an area you are not familiar with, keep your eyes peeled for these signs. After all, there are consequences for breaching them just as there are with breaching a No Entry sign.